Stimpod World-Wide Community Forum Launched

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PRF Treatment Guide

Treatment with the NMS460 starts by locating the affected nerve. Through clinical evaluation, you can identify the nerve that is responsible for the symptoms, like chronic pain, nerve palsy etc.

Once the nerve is located, use your anatomical knowledge to localize the most superficial aspects of the nerve.

Depending on the condition, you will either (A) treat a motor nerve or a sensory nerve within a combined sensory or motor nerve bundle, or (B) treat a pure sensory nerve.

Follow Algiamed Research Projects

Video introduction to our latest research

Adaptive Autonomic and Neuroplastic Control in Diabetic Neuropathy: A Narrative Review

New Fields of Interest and
Literature Review

New Fields of Interest and Literature Review

A selection of peer-reviewed scientific studies and clinical trials related to our technology and research.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Research papers on Neuroplasticity, Peripheral (motor and sensory) and Cortical Recovery with a focus on patients with TBI and other head injuries

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)
Research on the treatment of Epilepsy, Depression, PTSD, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Inflammation, Arthritis, Chronic Pain and Stroke with VNS.


Algiamed Technologies
2025 Willingdon Ave #900
Burnaby, BC V5C 0J3

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