Last seen: Nov 28, 2023
Hi Cheryl How many treatments has the patient had? If only 1 then we may need to wait for a week. If you continue treating start working on distal…
Where is the pain? If it’s anterior knee pain, use the infrapatellar branch of saphenous in the lower aspect of the VMO. Even if pain is in lateral as…
You can treat the femoral nerve and the free nerve endings in the labrum that may be accessed between the pelvis and the acetabular region when the pa…
5 minutes on occipital nerves and inferior to mastoid process, 10 minutes on the left vagus and 5 minutes to the right vagus.
Yes! You can use the occipital nerves at the base of the skull, the inferior mastoid process and possibly include the vagus nerve in the ear, either u…
Where is the pain? If it’s anterior knee pain, use the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve in the lower aspect of the VMO, even if the pain is…
Yes indeed! Treat the sciatic nerve in glutes bilaterally and along nerve routes of the affected leg
Yes! I was so happy for her but the interesting thing is that Stimpod healing continues even if there is a break in treatment.
Treat the tarsal tunnel and medial ankle
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome – 14/08/2015
I would say 6 – 12 Rx, but there may be changes that are present during these treatments to encourage you and the patient to continue. If there is i…
2Hz at 0.2ms
I have treated these conditions in young patients with arthritic conditions and patients have reported improvement. I have no documented info th…
You can use the Stimpod for headaches if they relate to the cervical. I don’t see a contraindication but go gently – not too high an intensity.
Treat the brachial plexus – upper