Traumatic Brain Inj…
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Traumatic Brain Injury paralysis

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I have a 43 yo male patient who had an traumatic brain injury in 2001 and is paralyzed on his left side.  He is being treated by a neurologist who injects botox into his muscles to reduce the contractures.

I have been using the Stimpod NMS460 on his left lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve, reference electrode contralateral forearm.  The patient seems to be able to control arm movements including elbow extension with and without assistance.  He is now able to place pegs in a board in the correct order, whereas he was unable to do so before treatment.  My thought were that I would work the upper extremity first then move to the lower.

My question/concern is: will the botox being a neurotoxin affect the Stimpod results?  Is there anything I should focus on in particular?

Thanks for any suggestions!



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