Where is the best placement for radial nerve stimulation?
The patient has had numbness in the forearm for years. Two treatments were done with good effect. The pain and numbness have been away for nearly a week. But I am not sure if my placement is optimal.
Where did you place the Stimpod? If you treat the brachial plexus sup and inf, it will involve all the nerves from C5 to T1.
I placed the probe on the contralateral side of the neck, approximately C2-3 facet region, and then stimulated above the elbow. Originally, I was looking for the radial groove but ended up getting a better response above the elbow and palmar aspect of the hand just below the wrist.
I’m worried that I am more on the median nerve and ulnar nerve and the patient’s problem is more on the extensor aspect of the forearm.
C2-3 is too high. Go to the brachial plexus and treat there. Then you can also find the radial nerve on the extensor surface of the elbow of you need to.
Okay, so C5-T1 and the other for brachial stims under the axilla?
I use the brachial plexus superior and inferior to the clavicle. That’s really all you need!
Thank you! I will try that next time and check the response.🙏
Much appreciated Prof. Phyllis!